A Seventh Century BC Picenian Cloack Clasp Made of Iron, Bone, Bronze and Amber: Reconstruction of a Masterpiece 10362
Experimental Archaeometallurgy of Early-Middle Bronze Age Cyprus: Pilot Experiments of Copper Smelting at Pyrgos-Mavroraki 10361
Traction Trebuchet 10360
Public Access to (Pre-)History Through Archaeology 10359
Conference Review: TRAC, a Place for an Experiment in Roman Studies 2018 10358
Conference Review: SAA General Session, Experimental Archaeology 2018 10357
CRAFTER: Reviving Bronze Age Pottery in EU-funded Project 10356
Conference Review: Mission á ICOM Paris: The ICOM June Meetings 2018 10355
Kernave Archaeological Site – the Place for Experimental and Living Archaeology 10354
Conference Review: African Conference on Experimental Archaeology 2018 from a Volunteer’s Point of View 10353
Re-Creating an Aboriginal Earth Oven with Clayey Heating Elements: Experimental Archaeology and Paleodietary Implications 10352
Understanding the Archaeological Record: Reconstructing a Warp-Weighted Loom 10351
Learning to Recreate, Recreating to Learn. Experimental Archaeology 10350
History in Motion: Colonial Williamsburg 10349
The Construction of a Bronze Age Longhouse Model in Dwelling-byre Style using Experimental Archaeological Techniques 10348
Comparing Mummification Processes: Egyptian & Inca 10347
Experimental Approaches to Student Success 10346
Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Jahrbuch 2017 10345
Conference Review: European Textile Forum 2017 10344
Event Review: Archaeology Networking Day, Education & Living History in the Netherlands 10343
Book Review: Dressing Prehistory (Oblekani Praveku) by K. Urbanová and J. T. Pulpán 10342
Conference Review: 1st African Conference on Experimental Archaeology (ACE), 2018 10341
Book Review: Skanseny Archeologiczne i Archeologia Eksperymentalna by Jan Gancarski 10340
Obituary: Peter Kelterborn (4 July 1928 – 9 March 2017) 10339
Discussions & Thoughts 10315
Beyond School - Workshops in Experimental Archaeology at the Museum (Romania) 10338
An Experimental Diachronic Exploration of Patination Methodology of Dark Patinated (Arsenical) Copper Alloys on Case Studies from the Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age and Early Iron Age 10337
The Experimental Building of a Wooden Watchtower in the Carolingian Southern Frontier 10336
‘Re-rolling’ a Mummy: an Experimental Spectacle at Manchester Museum 10335
Vacation in the Past - Effective Heritage Interpretation through Education 10334
Animal Teeth in a Late Mesolithic Woman’s Grave, Reconstructed as a Rattling Ornament on a Baby Pouch 10333
The Forgotten Movement – A (Re)construction of Prehistoric Dances 10332
Some Remarks on Technological Process of Tartessian Pottery 10331
10th Experimental Archaeology Conference 10330
Adze-plane, Skeparnon, Multipurpose Adze or Two-handled Adze? Practical Work with an Alleged Predecessor of the Woodworking Plane 10329
Book Review: Tablets at Work by Claudia Wollny 10328
Conference Review: Reconstructive & Experimental Archaeology Conference REARC 2017 10325
Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Bilanz 2015 10321
Conference Review: Fifth International Congress of Experimental Archaeology, Tarragona (Spain), October 2017 10327
Book Review: The Archaeology of Time Travel. Experiencing the Past in the 21st Century, edited by Bodil Petersson and Cornelius Holtorf 10326
Conference Review: Norwegian Forum for Experimental Archaeology 2017 10324
Book Review: Proceedings of the 25th Meeting of Archaeologists from Germany, the Czech Republic and Austria 10319
Shifting the Sand: Replicating Black Powder Grenades 10322
Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Bilanz 2013 10320
An Insight into the Baltic Experimental Archaeology Summer School 2017 10323
Book Review: Flinthandwerk by Wulf Hein and Marquardt Lund 10314
Book Review: Playing with the Time. Experimental Archaeology and the Study of the Past by Rodrigo Alonso, David Canales, Javier Baena (Eds.) 10313
The Mechanics of Splitting Wood and the Design of Neolithic Woodworking Tools 10312
Now we’re Cooking with Gas! How Experimental Archaeology Challenges Modern Assumptions about Metal Recycling 10311
Kicking Ash, Viking Glass Bead Making 10310
Experimental Archaeology as Participant Observation: A Perspective from Medieval Food 10309
Castrum Corcagiensis - Roman Experimental Archaeology in Ireland 10308
Conference Review: the EAA 2017 in Maastricht (NL) 10307
Event Review: Dark Ages Recreation Company at L’Anse aux Meadows, NHSC 2017 10306
Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Jahrbuch 2016 10305
Twenty Years with Flint. The Society for Experimental Prehistoric Archaeology – Where are We Now? 10304
Conference Review: This Time for Africa: African Conference on Experimental Archaeology (ACE) 2018 10303
Research, Experimentation and Outreach in the Early Neolithic Site of La Draga (Banyoles-Spain) 10302
Sherd Shatter Patterns Experiment 10301
Reconstruction of the Ancient Greek Long Jump - an Opportunity for Multidisciplinary Collaboration 10300
Broken Rocks, Fired Clay and Soured Milk – A Summer of Experiments with the Bamburgh Research Project at the Bradford Kaims Site 10299
Conference Review: EXARC at the International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, Michigan (USA) 10298
Event Review: the Bronze Casting Festival at the Bronzezeithof, Uelsen, Germany 10297
Event Review: EXARC visits Moscow 10296
Conference Review: European Textile Forum 2016 10295
Event Review: Academic Workshop on Re-enactment, Replication & Reconstruction 10294
Book Review: The Arte Militaire. The Application of 17th Century Military Manuals to Conflict Archaeology by Warwick Louth 10293
Book Review: Forensic Archaeology: the Application of Comparative Excavation Methods and Recording Systems by Laura Evis 10292
The Modern Reproduction of a Mongol Era Bow Based on Historical Facts and Ancient Technology Research 10291
Build It and They Will Come: Managing Archaeological Open-Air Museums in Britain for Stability 10290
The Colour Palette of Antique Bronzes: An Experimental Archaeology Project 10289
Prehistoric Beekeeping in Central Europe - a Themed Guided Tour at Zeiteninsel, Germany 10288
“Days of Living Archaeology” at the Prehistoric Archaeopark Vsestary, Czech Republic 10287
Conference Review: Fields of Dreams - the EAC10 Conference, Leiden 2017 10286
Experimental Production of High and Late Medieval Pottery at the Scientific Research Centre in Panská Lhota 10285
What to Blame for the Atmosphere Change in Re-enactment Camps? Personal View 10284
Book Review: Representation of the Past in Public Spheres. Experiencing the Past: the Reconstruction and Recreation of History at Colonial Williamsburg by Martine Teunissen 10283
Book Review: The Movement - Comments on the Booklet How to Organize a Historical Event involving Reenactment Groups 10282
Experimental Archaeology in Latvia: some Possibilities for Future Development 10281
Painting Bronze Age Plaster from Thebes Boeotia 10280
Book Review: the Lifecycle of Structures in Experimental Archaeology – An Object Biography Approach by L. Hurcombe and P. Cunningham 10279
Museums as Good Places 10278
Book Review: das "jungsteinzeitliche" Langhaus in Asparn an der Zaya by E. Lauermann (ed) 10277
The Potential for Open-Air Sites: a Diversified Approach in Emilia, Italy 10275
A Course in Experiential Archaeology at an Archeopark as a Part of Active University Education 10274
Reconstruction of the Geometric Décor Technology of the Bronze Age Ceramics in Siberia 10273
Book Review: Management of Open-Air Museums. Workpackage 2: “Improvement of Museum Management” by Jakobsen, B & Burrow, S (eds). 10272
The Omnis Barbaria Experimental Archaeology Camp for Children – First Edition 10271
Conference Review: Reconstructive & Experimental Archaeology Conference REARC 2016 10270
Book Review: Menswear of the Lombards. Reflections in the Light of Archaeology, Iconography and Written Sources 10269
Obituary: Steve Watts (25 July 1947 - 21 March 2016) 10268
High Tech for the Stone Age – iBeacons in Open-Air Museums 10267
Living History as an Instrument for Historical and Cultural Exchange in German Archaeological Open-Air Museums: an Online Survey Defines Present Status 10266
The VIA SCIPIONIS Project Outdoor Travelling Experimental Archaeology and Re-enactment 10265
A Minoan Experimental House – Paying Tribute to Middle Bronze Age Cretan Vernacular Architecture 10264
The Gislinge Boat Open Source Project: An Old Boat and a New Idea 10263
Book Review: Heritage Tourism Destinations by Maria D Alvarez (et al.) 10262
Book Review: The Art of Prehistoric Textile Making: The Development of Craft Traditions and Clothing in Central Europe by Karina Grömer 10261
Conference Review: EAA Vilnius – about Archaeological Tourism, Visualisation, Experiment and Reconstruction 10260
Event Review: Archeofest 2016: among Experimental Archaeology, Ethnography and Scientific Disclosure 10259