EXARC Journal - Latest Articles

An Ethnoarchaeological Discussion of the Impact of Religion on Architecture in a Remote Iranian Village

Tahere Rahimkhani 1
Publication Date
In the years 2014 to 2015, an Ethnoarchaeological study of the architecture of Makhunik village (IR) was done. After that, this architecture was studied in different points of view. One of these views was the influence of religion on the architecture of the traditional phase (ca. 1660-1960) to explore the impact of immaterial issues, such as religion in a very religious village, on ...

Experimental Recreation of a Pumpkin (Cucurbita spp.) Leather Mat

Crystal A. Dozier 1 ✉,
Arland L. Wallace 1
Publication Date
The ethnohistoric record from the American Great Plains indicates that dried pumpkin (Cucurbita spp.) strips were often woven into mats as a form of food storage. This form of food storage was likely employed over large geographical areas and deep in time, but archaeological methods for identifying their production and use have been wanting...

RETOLD: Review of the Meeting at Batavialand, Lelystad, September 2024

Federico Cappadona 1
Publication Date
This year between September 1-3, EXARC held a conference specifically focused on the topic of Digitalisation in Open-Air Museums and the cultural sector. Co-organised by the Batavialand Museum in Lelystad (the Netherlands), the event brought together the RETOLD partners and several professionals from around the world...

Book Review: Interpreting Science at Museums and Historic Sites by Debra A. Reid (eds)

John Majerle 1
Publication Date
We live in a time when advances in science and technology can quickly outpace our ability to understand its impact on our past, present, and future. Interpreting Science at Museums and Historic Sites provides insights into how museums and historic sites can bridge this gap so that we can better understand the past and perhaps influence future social directions for the better...

RETOLD: CIDOC CRM and the Documentation of Buildings and Crafts

Cordula Hansen 1
Publication Date
Cultural heritage documentation is the process of systematically recording and preserving information about historical artifacts, monuments, traditions, and other intangible cultural expressions. One of the primary aims of the RETOLD project was to create a prototype for immersive digital storytelling that communicates cultural information to diverse audiences...

Book Review: Experimental Archaeology: Reconstruction of Material Heritage of Lithuania, Volume I by Daiva Luchtaniene (ed)

Mante van den Heuvel 1
Publication Date

I am honoured to write a review of the book Eksperimentinė archeologija, Lietuvos materialaus paveldo rekonstrukcija, I tomas or Experimental archaeology, Reconstruction of Material Heritage of Lithuania, volume I; compiled by Daiva Luchtanienė. I have to admit that I know very little about Lithuania and their experimental archaeology and I was looking forward to learning more...

Event Review: Bronze Casting in Daugailiai, Lithuania

E. Giovanna Fregni 1
Publication Date
On 13 July 2024 the village of Daugailiai celebrated the 770th year of its founding on with a festival that included demonstrations and experiments in bronze casting. Daugailiai is a village in Utena County in Northeast Lithuania. The village features a hillfort, which is dated to 1st millennium BC-beginning of 1st Millenium AD, upon which a castle was built in 1254 and...

Book Review: "The dream of The Old Town – Memories and reflections from a lifetime as museum director by Thomas Bloch Ravn" by Helle Ingerslev Kristensen

Helle Ingerslev Kristensen 1
Publication Date
After 28 years in the director's chair, Bloch Ravn tells vividly and in detail about the many years of work in running and developing the museum Den Gamle By (or in English: The Old Town) towards becoming the great flagship for culture and tourism in East Jutland, Denmark...