Featured in the EXARC Journal

Archaeological Open-Air Museum

People Want Quality and They are Willing to Pay for it

Henrik Zipsane 1
Publication Date
The international and European notion of cultural and creative industries has not shown much appreciation of the potential of the cultural sector, especially the heritage sector. This may or may not be fair, but the perspective in the conclusions from KEA studies on cultural economy and creativity has been symptomatic for the European approach (KEA 2006; 2009)...

Gene Fornby - the Ancient Village of Gene

Carl L. Thunberg 1
Publication Date

I have for years, through articles, debate and political activities, been a very active part in the efforts to preserve Gene Fornby from demolition. The cause seemed long doomed to be lost, but in the end the saving-line won. Therefore the longhouse and the smithy, in my opinion the important reconstructions, will be preserved and restored.

Archaeological Open-Air Museums in the Netherlands, a Bit of History

Roeland Paardekooper 1
Publication Date
This article is a result of my interest in, and experience with, archaeological open-air museums. With the start of HOME Eindhoven in 1982, I became actively involved in these museums and I was one of the people involved from the first moment in EXARC. From 2005 onward, I have been conducting postgraduate research at the University of Exeter into archaeological open-air museums...